Glucose Insight Program: Begins January 2024!

Welcome to Hormone Wellness MD’s Glucose Insight Program, where we empower you to take control of your metabolic health! This transformative program utilizes evidence-based science and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to provide a personalized, focused medical relationship aimed at enhancing your understanding and mastery of metabolic well-being.

Program Highlights:

  1. Kickstarter or Game On: Choose the level that suits your health goals.
  2. Virtual Group Visits: Engage in informative 45-minute group sessions covering glucose control, personalized reviews, and valuable insights.
  3. CGM Prescription: Receive a prescription for 1 or 2 CGMs based on your program selection
  4. Educational Support: Benefit from meal plans, handouts, and video recordings of virtual visits
  5. Participant Assumptions: Recognize the limitations and scope of the program, ensuring realistic expectations and a commitment to personal responsibility
  6. Electronic Communication Guidelines: Understand the boundaries and security of electronic communications, including e-mail, messaging, and telehealth consultations

Meet Your Glucose Guide:

Kate Willis, NP-C, IFMCP, is a virtual nurse practitioner for Hormone Wellness MD. She has been working in women’s health for 14 years in the field of gynecologic oncology and sexual wellness. In 2021, she received her certification through the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), and is thankful for such solid and evidence-based training. Kate uses it daily in her care for patients. She works with her patients to address the root cause of disease and dysfunction in the body.

After the birth of her second child, Kate’s health declined. Her longstanding digestive issues worsened, her fatigue was intense, and she struggled with insomnia. Kate ate well and exercised enough but not too much. She thought she was healthy, but her symptoms told her otherwise. She began to explore how she could help her body heal, and stumbled into the practice of a Functional Medicine physician. It was through functional medicine testing and interventions that Kate began to see personal healing, and realized that her professional career needed to change to this new way of helping others heal. Read her full bio here.

Program Agenda:

Intro Class: Friday 1/12 at 12:00pm EST

  • Kate Willis NP-C, IFMCP introduces herself and the program. You’ll begin understanding all things glucose as well as how to make the most of your CGM.


Week 1 Review: Friday 1/19 at 12:00pm EST

  • Kate will go through the 1st half of participants’ CGM results. She will anonymously review everyone’s data so we can learn from each other as well as provide suggestions for how to improve dysregulated patterns.


Week 2 Review: Friday 1/26 at 12:00pm EST

  • Kate will go through the 2nd half of participants’ CGM results. She will anonymously review everyone’s data so we can learn from each other as well as provide suggestions for how to improve dysregulated patterns.

Explore Our Program Levels!

Embark on your wellness journey with empowerment and choose the program level that aligns with your New Year’s resolutions, bringing you closer to a healthier and vibrant you. Each path is designed to empower you on your unique journey to wellness.

Level 1: Glucose Kickstart

  • Initial one-on-one virtual appointment (20 minutes)
  • Prescription for 1 CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring)
  • 3 virtual group visits (each 45 mins)
  • Video recording of virtual visits
  • Meal plans and handouts
  • NOTE: COST OF CGM IS NOT INCLUDED — We can guide you to coupons to get your first one for free

Level 2: Glucose Game On!

  • Initial one-on-one virtual appointment (20 minutes)
  • Prescription for 2 CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring)
  • 3 virtual group visits (each 45 mins)
  • Video recording of virtual visits
  • Meal plans and handouts
  • Additional one-on-one virtual visit to review 2nd CGM (20 minutes)
  • NOTE: COST OF CGM IS NOT INCLUDED — We can guide you to coupons to get your first one for free and discounted rates for follow up CGM

Overview of Terms and Conditions:

  • The program is designed for non-diabetic individuals residing in North Carolina.
  • Participants must maintain a relationship with an outside primary care physician for emergency and urgent care.
  • We do not participate in insurance and recommend maintaining a separate primary care physician for non-program-related health concerns.
  • Refunds will not be provided for unused appointments.
  • Hormone Wellness MD uses encrypted, HIPAA-compliant software for billing and scheduling.
  • Read full Terms & Conditions here

Patient success was having 4-5 migraines a week and in 3 months she went 14 days with no migraine! Menstrual migraines have resolved entirely! Blood sugar is more controlled and inflammation is down.

I feel amazing. I am sleeping through the night. I am swimming, walking, traveling, and getting back to all the things I used to do.

So much better! I am amazed and grateful. My energy is good. I have been eating better and lost some weight without trying. Recently I have felt good enough and lighter to run between 1-3 miles every third day or so.

Get Ready for Your Health Adventure!

Embark on a journey to better health with Hormone Wellness MD’s Glucose Insight Program. Read and understand our Terms and Conditions before securing your spot. Limited spaces available, reserve yours today and empower yourself to achieve metabolic mastery!

Need more details? Go through our Flipbook!