The Hormone Wellness MD Blog: Women's Health
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely on women's healthFasting Mimicking Diet: A Evidence Based Approach For Weight Loss And Longevity
Fasting has been used across cultures for centuries. Prolonged fasting can prove both physically and mentally taxing. The fasting mimicking diet is a calorically restricted, low protein diet lasting 3-5 days a month repeated for 3 months and then once monthly. The...
Change Your Attitude, Change Your Gene Expression
First of all, as I am typing this I am having a flashback to adolescence and hearing an older adult barking at me to “change my attitude” as in “I don’t like that attitude young lady!” That is not the message I am going for here. What I want to talk about today is not...
My Favorite Sex Book
My favorite sex book is Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, PhD. She is an expert in human sexuality and brings a fresh perspective. I love that she debunks so many of the ideas that we were taught were “normal” about our bodies/minds that are really just cultural...
Simple Choices to Ease Menopausal Symptoms
You are battling hot flashes and night sweats and are looking for solutions but hoping to avoid taking conventional hormones. Your morning cup of coffee is followed by a hot flash so powerful, you feel like you need to get back in the shower and start the whole...
BUZZZ Pollen Extract Helps Menopause
We usually associate pollen with hay fever, but did you know that pollen can be used to treat menopausal symptoms? For years, taking bee pollen has been promoted by health enthusiast. Unfortunately, pollen is in a fibrous capsule that is not easily broken down, so we...
Plant Based Menopause Solutions
Perhaps you have heard of plant based estrogens or phytoestrogens but are confused by conflicting information out there. Is soy good or bad? Well I'm a little confused with you- many of the studies on soy don't specify if they used organic non -GMO soy or not, so it...